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A MAT Peer educator Janeth Mwakatobe giving testimony on services provided by SETA to People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) for Medical Assisted Therapy (MAT) as well as her roles as peer educator.

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Welcome to Serve Tanzania Website!

SERVE TANZANIA (SETA) was established in 1999 and registered officially in February, 2002 with registration SO. No.11133. the main objective is to provide community-based services in fight against poverty, eradication of diseases including HIV/AIDS care and support of people living with HIV/AIDS. But also provide basic skills, information and knowledge in various disciplines, such as Poverty alleviation strategies, environmental protection, and impact mitigation of chronic disease like HIV/AIDS as well as support people living with HIV/AIDS and MVCs.

Director & Program Coordinator

SETA Director and Program Coordinator after the stakeholders meeting at Usungilo hotel on 8th Feb, 2022
